What we do.

Providing Chiropractic Care.

All spines can benefit from chiropractic care. There are many techniques that we can use to ensure you feel safe and comfortable.

We are here to listen and work with you so you receive the best care possible. Chiropractic adjustments are specific and gentle. They allow for innate healing and natural repair within your mind and body.

This is achieved with releasing restrictions, stress, tension or blockages within your neuromusculoskeletal system. Our chiropractors have many years of experience and are confident that we can help you find the root cause of your ailments.

If chiropractic care isn’t something that will serve you, we will refer you to the appropriate specialist. The benefits you will receive from seeing our chiropractic team are endless.

We are honest, trustworthy, and have tremendous integrity and belief in the service we provide.

We can’t wait to see you soon.

What to expect.

Please arrive 10 minutes early to fill out our patient information forms. This will help your chiropractor understand more about your health history and better assist them in their diagnosis.

Your initial visit will take approximately 20 minutes to take a health history, perform an examination and explanation of how chiropractic may help your spinal health.

Depending on your presentation x-rays may be necessary before given any treatment.
However, most commonly an adjustment will be administered and any questions you have will be answered at that time.

On your second visit your chiropractor will give you more of an explanation of your diagnosis and how much time it will take to get you back on track.

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